I am weeks away from saying “Bye” to my place of employment.  In many ways I look forward to whatever is ahead of me.  In some ways I will miss what I’ve spent the majority of my life doing.  Friends are planning a party and I’m looking forward to that.  It will be nice to see people as for some of them, it’s been a long time since last we met.  It will be interesting to see whether my Queen has me caged or uncaged for the event.  There will be lots of hugs I’m sure, so a caged me might be “felt” during the hugs.  Not my issue though, so I’ll just do as I’m told.  I will be increasing my time and efforts in the gym.  I’d like to try and become as fit as I’ve ever been.  That is one goal that I have for retirement.  I’d also like to travel more and work on my guitar playing skills.  Maybe even start to play the piano again.  One of the things I am definitely looking forward to is serving my Queen more completely.  As I’ll be around the house more often–a lot more often, I will be better able to wait on her and fill her needs.  That is one of the things that turns me on.

When we’re alone, my costume is supposed to be an apron–and nothing else…  well my cage as well… lol


Adult children are both so nice to have and at times a pain.  Our son has been out of work for the last few months–the good news is, he has a job starting next week.  The bad news is he’s always at home.  So we haven’t really had any quality alone time since before my father died.  It will happen and soon I hope, but when exactly we’re not sure!  We thought we’d have time this weekend as he spoke of going away for the weekend, but this morning he decided to wait until income was coming in again.  So the weekend alone we were looking forward to has vanished like a puff of smoke.  lol

This means we will have date time tomorrow morning when we awake and he is hopefully sleeping.  We’ve been trying to make this happen every week though at times it’s difficult.  My Queen gets antsy if she goes too long without an orgasm and we start to become detached.  This helps to keep our bond strong.

Life slowly returns to normal after a death and ours is no exception.  Responsibilities must be met and physical attraction causes desires…  And trust me when I say that I am immensely physically attracted to my wife!  We are both working with coaches to improve our physiques.  In fact I just moved to a new and far better coach than I had before.  So this past week have been full of changes for me.  And I can see small changes today over where I was last week.  In addition to our training, we have set aside Sunday morning for some alone time.  Our son sleeps in Sundays which gives us a modicum of privacy.  That added to the fact that we have less responsibility on Sunday gives us freedom to laze away in bed.  So last Sunday we enjoyed each other.  I have been caged nonstop for most of March.  The past few times we’ve had sex, I’ve been caged.  I have enjoyed it immensely, but haven’t been able to erect and haven’t orgasmed myself.  Instead my pleasure has largely come from pleasing my Queen using my hands, mouth, vibrators, and dildos.  The last two times, I’ve worn a strap-on to penetrate her.

This is a huge turn-on for me, and I get hornier as a result.  Long time readers will remember how much I love that high level of horniness.  On Sunday, after we were finished, I asked my Queen if I could remove the cage for a moment to take a shot of Angus.  One of my readers (Georgia) had recently asked about a shot showing the marks on Angus after some excitement.  So when my Queen said yes, we took off the cage to take some shots.  Now Angus is not fully erect here, but you can clearly see the marks left by the cage after all the excitement of pleasing my Queen.    So this if for you Georgia!  lol

On the orgasm front, I haven’t had an orgasm in quite some time–and that’s ok.

From my Queen’s perspective
My view looking down from above

Grief is a funny thing.  I’m beginning to think that it’s like waves crashing on the beach… In between the waves, you feel fine, and then a small wave hits you and you remember your loss.  On occasion the weather gets stormier and the waves bigger and more violent.  When these hit you you’re taken back to the moment of your grief.  I’m amazed at how the death of my father has affected me.  Certainly far more impactful on my life than the death of my mother.  Nonetheless, life marches on.  We continue to live and experience life together.  My Queen had eased on her demands of me because of my Dad’s death.  Last week we managed to have a private conversation (not easy when one or two adult children are always around).  I asked her to resume our FLR and she consented.  I feel much better serving her and doing her bidding.  I had been removing the cage prior to bed at her wish up until last Sunday.  On that Sunday, she told me to cage up and stay caged until she told me differently.  So I’ve been caged ever since.  There is something comforting about that to me.  I know that sounds weird, but it’s like she’s always with me.

We haven’t had a lot of chances to play…  But last Sunday morning we managed to do so before either of the kids were up.  My Queen had a couple of orgasms and I thoroughly enjoyed giving them to her.  None for me, but that’s ok.  As time goes on, I get more and more pleasure from pleasing her and need less myself.

This post leaves the topic of chastity and living an FLR.  I talk about death–don’t want to trigger anyone.


This has been a difficult week.  Last weekend, my dad went to hospital for what we thought was a minor problem.  After a night of tests, several major problems were discovered.  They decided to keep him overnight.  Sunday morning he was only able to grunt.  The decline was astonishing.  We talked about palliative care and decided that is the direction we would take.  They were still doing some medical things and we were hoping that they would result in at least a temporary improvement in cognition so we delayed the move to palliative care. As Sunday progressed, he did improve and was able to recognize and make one or two word comments to people.  He nodded his head and smiled when visitors came by.  Occasionally he even said a short phrase.  As we left Sunday we hadn’t yet put him into palliative care.  Monday morning he was much better.  Two of my daughters are half a world away and wouldn’t be able to make it back.  We were able to have a video call where they expressed love for him and he was able to tell both of them that he loved them dearly.  However it was clear that we were at the end and there would be no miraculous cure.  Dad didn’t want to live on tubes or have any extreme measures done to save him, so shortly after the two phone calls, we moved him to palliative care.

The end came rapidly at that point.  Surprisingly quick really!  While he recognized people the rest of the day, his responses got weaker and weaker.  It was clear that he would be gone by the end of the week.  Tuesday morning I brought his sister to see him.  She had a visit with him for about 3 hours and then asked if I would take her home.  He was breathing well and had good colour so I said good bye and that I would be back in less than an hour.  25 minutes later as I was approaching my Aunt’s home the phone rang to let me know that he was taking his last breaths.  I continued with my Aunt and then turned round to go back to the hospital.  He had been dead for about 20 minutes when I got back.

My father was a very good and kind man.  He worked his whole life for the community he lived in, and he gave of himself as a matter of course.  The hundreds of people who have made contact with us over these last few days have all been telling us how impactful he was in their lives; how much help he gave them when needed; how kind and caring he was; how special he was.  My pride in is overflowing.  My sense of loss is huge.  Make sure you tell those you love how you feel regularly.  We don’t know how long we have on this earth.