My First Cage–Or No Unauthorized Erections!
So at this point in time, I have been caged for years. It is second nature to me now–I don’t feel right without the cage. However it was only about 9-10 years ago that I actually became aware of cock cages. My Queen and I were walking together in a local sex shop (Stag Shop) and I noticed this particular cock cage. Neither of us had ever seen one before and while my Queen wasn’t particularly taken with it, it immediately pushed all my submissive buttons. Later I went back by myself and purchased it. To be honest, I got lucky. The cage actually fit pretty well. I wore it off and on for about 6 months before I let my Queen discover it on me. We went that way for quite a while with me wearing the cage for 2-5 days at a time. Over time my Queen became more accustomed to the idea and we finally had a big discussion about the cage and my wearing it on a regular basis. By this time, I had already bought a custom Jailbird by Mature Metal. However that is another story…

This is the only cage I’ve owned with a hinged ring. I had to cut a piece of leather to put under the ring where the lock attaches. This was to prevent pinching which I will admit to being quite unpleasant. However once I put the leather there, the problem went away. Like most cage designs where there are lots of openings, hygiene was easy to manage with this cage. Further, with the sizing rings from Mature Metal and their measurement instructions this cage helped me get the perfect sized Jailbird.
What this cage taught me was how much I liked metal cages. It taught me that open design cages could be easily cleaned as could the penis inside of them. It also taught me that hinged rings were likely not the best way to go. So for the last 8-9 years, I’ve been caged in my Jailbird almost exclusively. I have tried other cages for short periods since then, but my Jailbird has been my cage of choice. I will try and review the other cages I’ve used in upcoming posts.

On another note, I discovered Krystine”s FLR Podcast shortly before my first blog was terminated. In fact I had agreed to be a guest on her blog. Then I lost my blog and that plan seemed to evaporate. Recently I rediscovered her blog and have been listening to it from the first episode. I’m now into the second year. Krystine is a dominant woman whose husband wears a cage and is submissive to her. This is one of the podcasts I listen to regularly and I recommend it to you. I use Spotify to listen though I’m certain other podcast sevices will also carry it. Give Krystine a listen!