It is funny how life changes as you move through it.  Years ago, I orgasmed daily–sometimes multiple times.  I had days where I orgasmed 8-10 times when with certain partners.  And I had days when I did the same when no partner was available.  lol  The five finger version of a discount orgasm!  I certainly don’t cum with that frequency anymore.  And while I miss it in some ways, I don’t in others.  I get real enjoyment serving my Queen.  Giving her orgasms is really as good as getting them myself.  The pleasure I feel is real.  Angus will press hard against his cage, but I will be satisfied.  If she has released him from the cage, he will stand tall and temporarily want release, but ultimately will be satisfied with the excitement of pleasing her.

Washing the dishes and cooking for her takes on new meaning when doing it to serve her and when she acknowledges that fact.  Doing anything to please her causes me sexual excitement.  As a caged man, the erections are curtailed, but the excitement drives me onwards. When allowed and told to massage her or to do things that involve touching her… my excitement is palpable.

One of the neat things about this is how each of us finds the excitement of the other feeds our own excitement.  So in serving my Queen, I become aroused and excited and this helps her to also become aroused and excited.  If only we didn’t have adult children around as much…lol


It’s been a good few weeks.  Shortly after my last post, I had some time off, so was more relaxed and more available to serve my Queen.  Unfortunately, two of our adult kids were around almost non-stop.  Still despite their presence, on a few mornings I was able to pleasure my Queen orally before we got up.  On at least one of those mornings, she was able to have 3 orgasms.  This always makes me so happy.  I’m not sure why, but I do get more pleasure out of giving her pleasure than taking it myself.  Regardless, I remained caged.  Things just developed while we were in bed.  I started to gently caress her as she woke.  I paid attention to all of her, not really honing in on her secret spots…  After a while, she started to feel frisky, and pushed my head down to her pussy.  This is one of my favourite things to do, so I dove in with gusto.  After three orgasms, she was sated, and we stopped.  Angus was nicely cramped in his cage.

On a few other occasions, she called me into the bathroom after she had finished peeing to serve as her TP.  And on at least three of those occasions, she had an orgasm.  Quick and simple, but fun for the both of us.  In addition, over the past month, we’ve managed to find some time without children in the house.  This allowed some quality time and my Queen has had an orgasm feast… (many orgasms one after the other…)  I also have had a couple of orgasms.  My Queen decided she wanted me to eat a salad and gave me an orgasm to provide the dressing.  This has now happened twice in the past 2-3 months…  So I have also had a couple of orgasms this year–maybe three?  I should go and check my records…

Our FLR is getting better.  I continue to read Ms. Rika’s second book to my Queen.  We try and find some alone time for this each week.  It’s not always easy, but we manage most weeks.  We are both loving this.  Ms. Rika presents info in a well thought out and very complete manner.  We always have good talks whenever we read together.  These talks help to bring us even more closely together and strengthen our FLR.  We have been trying to find and deal with any FLR relationship problems quickly.  These talks help with that.  For the most part, we have no real problems.  My Queen is still trying not to feel guilty, but has indicated that she is enjoying how things are going.  This is a key for me!


Our FLR is evolving.  With the help of Ms. Rika and her books, my Queen and I have been adjusting our relationship and we are both enjoying it.  I honestly love serving her.  Angus hardens as much as he can in his cage and I get a sense of accomplishment when she is obviously happy with what I’ve done for her.  I try and anticipate her needs.  I try and get her to relax–this isn’t easy, because she is a driven person and she feels guilt over everything that I am doing.  This is something that we’re working on–that loss of guilt.  I remember a passage in Uniquely Us that covered entitlement and guilt well–we’ve just started to read this book, so I’m hoping that passage will help my Queen.  Now I’ve been caged for a long time.  We started with a cage in 2014, and then tried it more extensively in 2015.  Since late 2015 or early 2016 I’ve been caged virtually every day.  However for most of that time, my Queen was having me be caged because I felt a need to do it.  At least that’s what I think.  She made me cage Angus for me.  But curiously, her feelings and thinking has changed.  We had a conversation recently where she told me frankly that she now sees the need to cage me.  She now wants me caged!  It was a wonderful moment for me.  However, I am now almost never out of the cage! lol   Not a bad thing, but a definite difference.  The last two times we played together, I remained caged.  My Queen’s comment to me was, “I now realize that I don’t need to uncage you to enjoy myself.” This is also a significant change, and one I embrace.  When we have sex, I want it to be all about her!  I enjoy feeling horny, and immensely enjoy giving her pleasure.  It leaves me feeling on a high for hours afterwards.  So our relationship is growing and it’s in a direction I am very happy to see.  I love my Queen passionately and serving her is just the icing on the cake.

Now the shrinkage portion of the title…  Logically, I can’t see cage wearing actually causing a man’s penis to shrink in size.  However, I believe that I’ve shrunk a bit.  My erections seem a little smaller than they used to be…  I don’t have a ruler handy when I am uncaged, and I’m not uncaged often, so this is a subjective observation.  And even if it were true, I wouldn’t change a thing.  But it is my thinking…  Of course I’ve been wrong before and will be again! lol

I can’t believe it’s been a month since I last posted.  I must get better at this.  In some ways it’s because I’m frustrated with fixing this blog.  Caged Lion has offered to help, and I should take him up on that soon.  He is very good with technical things (and has a great blog–Male Chastity Journal–I recommend it highly).

I am very excited by recent changes in our relationship.  As mentioned earlier, I discovered Ms. Rika’s books.  I’ve read 2.5 of them so far.  More importantly, I’ve read the first one to my Queen.  Reading that book became a highlight of our week and this week we’ll start another of her books.  We’ve had some profound discussions as a result of our reading together.  But best of all, we are even more fully invested in our FLR.  My Queen found Ms. Rika’s explanations so much better than mine and I admitted to making mistakes along the way.  While I was always about pleasing my Queen, something has switched in my brain.  And my Queen is learning to embrace her dominance over me.  She still has guilt, but whenever she checks, Angus is hard in his cage.  That and my obvious love of pleasing her is helping her get over her guilt of demanding things from me.

She has even embraced the cage.  This sounds funny for a guy who has been caged for 6-7 years, but I think for most of that time, she was accepting the cage in deference to me.  Now she sees the value of the cage and has come to like it on me.  This is a huge switch.  Her “intent” is different.

I’ve had one orgasm this year.  My Queen decided I needed some salad dressing on my salad and told me to masturbate into my food.  So on Jan. 29th, I came onto my salad before cleaning my plate.  It actually was the first time I had masturbated in years.  Of course this was under her watchful eye! lol    One of our discussions centered on requiring me to clean up any cum I produced.  We discussed how this is exciting to me up until I actually cum.  Afterwards this is more difficult for me and she decided she will be much more stringent in making sure I do a good clean up job now.  So once the salad was finished, I had to lick the plate clean!

She also used the humbler on me a week ago.  Truthfully, she has done a few things to keep me on my toes.  Some have been very surprising.  Last Sunday, she wanted some attention and desired an orgasm, but she decided to keep me caged.  Almost always, she will remove the cage when we play.  However on Sunday she kept me caged and I used my mouth, toys and fingers to bring her to three orgasms.  I loved it!!  I admit that Angus was trying to push through the bars of the cage, but the jailbird is far too strong!  lol   It was only later that she removed the cage–and that was so she could put the humbler on me.

I’ll try and be more active on here and let you know what’s happening.  Stay well!

So I’ve still got to figure some things out about this new set-up.  I’m not sure everything is working properly–I keep getting error messages, but eventually I’ll get it figured out!  If you notice something doesn’t seem to work, please feel free to let me know.  I’m not able to share videos yet, but I guess this is a work in progress!

Happy 2022!  With luck, this year will be much better than the last.  I do know that it has been a very eventful start for me and my Queen. A very good friend as well as my brother-in-law have been diagnosed with cancer.  My friend had been fighting cancer and had been told he was cured back in November.  On his checkup a week ago, they found two spots on his lungs.  So it looks like another battle is brewing.  My brother-in-law had a tumour discovered on his kidney in December–though I didn’t hear about it until last week.  Last week when they were doing tests prior to his surgery, they discovered several spots on his lungs.  So while he has the first tumour removed this week, there is more to his fight still to come.  My Queen’s maid of honour died two days ago–from covid!  She didn’t believe in masking nor in vaccinations.  She was a lovely person though and my Queen is reeling.

We are all healthy.  Our furnace died a week or so ago.  It was -28 Celsius and that wasn’t even considering the windchill factor.  However we were fortunate and had a new furnace (plus air conditioner) installed the next day.  We’ve also had three appliances go on the fritz this month–all are now repaired!  So it has been a rough start to this year.

I am reading Uniquely Rika to my Queen and we’ve had some very good discussions as a result.  I’m really hopeful that we will be able to re-configure our relationship somewhat in ways that please the both of us.  I’m finding her book (Ms. Rika) really explains Domination in a way that makes things so logical and easy for the domme.  I think the work becomes something the submissive must do–and in a D/s relationship, isn’t that the way it should be?  I’ve read other books to my Queen, but this is the first book where she is frequently showing her desire that I read to her.

On the chastity front, my last orgasm was a while ago…  my phone is charging so I can’t get the exact date! lol  However I think it was in November sometime…  This morning we played a little and my Queen gave me two choices.  I could cum on her breasts and then push the cum around her nipples while playing with them before I cleaned up my mess–or I could avoid cumming.  I was tempted, however while I was making up my mind, she decided I had taken too long.  So she decided I wouldn’t cum today!