Drive Home With Your Pants Down

My Queen needed gas so I took her car to fill it up for her.  As I arrived at the gas station, my phone rang.  It was my Queen.  She indicated that I was to drive home with my pants down.  This was an unexpected request and Angus started to swell in his cage.  I filled up and got back into the car.  Drove about 50 feet so I was out of the lights and dropped my pants.  I called my Queen and asked if she wanted to know when I arrived home–so she could see I had complied with her request.  No she said, send me a pic!

So I took a pic and sent it to her and then proceeded to drive the 2 km home.  Once there, I pulled my pants up and got out of the car.  Life is good!


  1. I love fun Directives such as this one! Helps a submissive remember their place. Thank you for sharing, my friend XOXO

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