I Love My Queen
It’s really amazing how good life can be with the right partner! To find my Queen took a large number of years. One failed marriage before I found her and then a ray of light! She also had a failed marriage–but her ex is a narcissitic jerk! He can be charming in the short term, but eventually his true colours will show. Still this post is not about either her ex nor mine. (Mine is a good woman who just was wrong for me)
My Queen and I met through an on-line dating app. She actually messaged me first. I responded and within a day or two, we had spoken on the phone. We spoke for a long time! lol Hours actually. And we spoke every night for 5 straight nights. I was sleeping only about 2 hours a day. Finally (in truth less than a week after connecting), we agreed to meet at a neutral spot. So we picked a restaurant/bar about halfway between our homes and met in person. We arrived about 8pm and then closed the place. Even then we sat in her car for an additional couple of hours before reluctantly making our own ways home. I told a good friend the very next day that I had found the person I was going to marry.
Since that moment, we have been almost inseparable. We laugh together and are totally open with each other. I told her very soon in the relationship that I liked to be dommed as I was submissive. She was willing to try domming me and things went from there. We have lived out some of our fantasies and others may yet come to fruition. About 8 years ago I discovered male chastity cages. I purchased one and then ordered a custom made one. About 7 years ago I opened up to my Queen about this new kink. She agreed to try it. Perhaps 5-6 years ago we officially made it an FLR relationship. However it has only been this year that I think we are really moving to a totally 365/24/7 total power exchange. And I’m loving it! I just enjoy serving and pleasing her so much! My orgasms aren’t as important to me as hers…