Before I lost my last blog, I had written and published more than 200 p0sts. I received an email the other day from someone asking questions about my cage. All those posts I had written had disappeared when my last blog was vaporized, so it seems I should likely speak about some of the important info related to wearing a cage. At this point in my life, I’ve been mostly caged for the past 8 years. My cage of choice is a Mature Metal Jailbird custom cage. I’ve worn it non stop for as many as 98 days in a row–no releases. That 98 day mark would have been longer, but I had to see an urologist and so the cage came off just before the appointment and went back on just after. Didn’t want to involve my doctor in my kink. The beauty of this cage is that hygiene is easily maintained while wearing it. I use a shaving brush to clean the cage and Angus daily in the shower. When I do remove the cage at my Queen’s behest, I will thoroughly clean it with a tooth brush. This regime prevents odors and maintains the comfort. I’m getting quite adept at shaving while wearing the cage. There is only a small area that I can’t access with the cage on and so when it is off, I tidy that area up.
I do have other cages–I suppose all men who wear cages have many of them. lol I’ll do another post about these cages in the near future. However I like the weight and look of the Jailbird. When combined with the ease of maintaining hygiene, it is a clear winner.
The fantasy of wearing a cage often suggests that once caged, a male will do anything for his key holder to get it off and be allowed an orgasm. This is fantasy. However as a submissive male to my Queen I long to give her pleasure and make her life easier. For me, the wearing of the cage is a constant reminder that she is my owner and that I must keep her in the fore front of my thoughts at all times. I genuinely get great pleasure giving her pleasure. But I just try to make her life easier at all times. Some males will tell you that they get hornier wearing the cage for the first week or so and that then the horniness levels drop. Again this isn’t me. My level of horniness continues to rise the longer I wear the cage. That is to me, one of the attractions of the denial and subjugation to my Queen.

Another thing that men will speak about is the difficulty sleeping in a cage. By now, I’ve slept more than 2000 nights with a cage on her cock. I have no problems sleeping. Do I attempt to erect at night? Yes I do. I will occasionally awake to pee and realize that Angus has filled the cage. I actually enjoy that feeling of Angus being confined. It again says to me that I am owned and don’t have the right of erection whenever I wish. That is hot to me! I have sexual dreams often and will attempt to erect during the dreams. My sleep remains undisturbed. I think initially, there can be an acclimatizing period though where men and men’s bodies have to learn how to deal with the cage during sleep. I suspect that this period is quite short for most men. Anyone I know who is caged has no real difficulties with sleep.
I am in my 9th year of permanent chastity and like you have many devices from Stainless and resin devices still get erection at night but have way to still sleep and peeing does help as well my last devices was HTV5 from holy trainer which after 7 years got my first Holytrainer.
I think it’s inevitable to collect devices over time. Still I also believe that most of us will settle on a fave and wear that virtually all the time. Thanks for dropping by!
We as a couple have been playing with chastity since 1995. I first met Altairboy in 1996 and saw his collection of belts and accessories. We purchased a Goethals, and Jones Belt from him.
Today Mrs. likes to keep me wrapped up and disallow any manipulation of my penis.
We will cycle thru the different belts and Ball Trap devices based on her moods.
As you indicated, trips to the Urologist, and Cardiologist were the only reason a device came off. I had major surgery this past year, and ended up with some urological complications related to catheters. This issue resulted in 5x I had to be re-cathetered.
You are dead on with your evaluation of the belting and consequential drop in desire. Like you, my desire is driven by a need to make my Mrs. happy and thrive on that satisfaction.
Sleep has never been an issue. Waking up in the wee hours, and my hand discovering a belt causes me to want to wank away in my dreams…
Good Luck in your pursuit of Chastity…
Down & Locked…Check
Thanks for your visit! My Queen has difficulty understanding how much I enjoy her pleasure. And yet it really drives a lot of my behaviours.