Greetings From Collared Michael

Hello everyone! Well, I lost my blog–so will try and repair/replace what I can here. Unfortunately all of my previous blog had not successfully transferred over here. And I’ve run out of time. So I have some stuff backed up on my home computer and I will slowly repopulate this blog.

The short version of what my blog is about is Male Chastity and Female Led Relationships. It will take a while to get things up and running again since I’m virtually starting from scratch. Thank you for your visit.


  1. Glad to see you back! Welcome again!!

  2. Welcome back. We missed you. Don’t be sad about the loss. Start from the beginning. Everything will only get better.

  3. I am so glad that you are not disappearing all together! I’ve missed you, my friend. Looking forward to watching your new blog come together. XOXO

  4. Michael!! I wondered where you had disappeared to! So glad you are okay and back with us! You had me worried my friend!!
    Just start fresh with new stories, we will always follow you! I love your perspective on life, kink, and chastity!

    1. Author

      I’ve missed the blogging world. I had to get a new computer and that took a surprisingly long time. Hopefully now I will be more active. Thank you Gem!

  5. Michael!! I wondered where you had disappeared to! So glad you are okay and back with us! You had me worried my friend!!
    Just start fresh with new stories, we will always follow you! I love your perspective on life, kink, and chastity!

  6. Okay ….. how do I follow your blog ???

  7. Thank goodness! I’ve been really worried about you! Was just asking May yesterday if she had seen you recently, but have now discovered your new corner of the internet. WP did that to me too, but after only six months of writing. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling after all that work has been taken down. Grrrr for you.

    1. Author

      Thank you… I think I shall just start again. I now have a new computer, so one obstacle is out of the way. Though this new process will take some learning.

  8. I have missed reading what you are up to, look forward to having a browse.

    1. Author

      Thanks… I’m a long ways from finished figuring this new set-up out, but in time I’ll get there. I have to add some things so I can do what I want yet am unsure of how to do this. I’ll get it figured out eventually. There isn’t much to browse yet, but there will be. lol

  9. Soooo that’s what happened! I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing you on my dashboard anymore. I can’t believe it took me this long to put 2 and 2 together but on to greener pastures – and self-hosted blogging!

    Will catch up with reading about your latest adventures!

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