Growth… or Shrinkage?? lol
Our FLR is evolving. With the help of Ms. Rika and her books, my Queen and I have been adjusting our relationship and we are both enjoying it. I honestly love serving her. Angus hardens as much as he can in his cage and I get a sense of accomplishment when she is obviously happy with what I’ve done for her. I try and anticipate her needs. I try and get her to relax–this isn’t easy, because she is a driven person and she feels guilt over everything that I am doing. This is something that we’re working on–that loss of guilt. I remember a passage in Uniquely Us that covered entitlement and guilt well–we’ve just started to read this book, so I’m hoping that passage will help my Queen. Now I’ve been caged for a long time. We started with a cage in 2014, and then tried it more extensively in 2015. Since late 2015 or early 2016 I’ve been caged virtually every day. However for most of that time, my Queen was having me be caged because I felt a need to do it. At least that’s what I think. She made me cage Angus for me. But curiously, her feelings and thinking has changed. We had a conversation recently where she told me frankly that she now sees the need to cage me. She now wants me caged! It was a wonderful moment for me. However, I am now almost never out of the cage! lol Not a bad thing, but a definite difference. The last two times we played together, I remained caged. My Queen’s comment to me was, “I now realize that I don’t need to uncage you to enjoy myself.” This is also a significant change, and one I embrace. When we have sex, I want it to be all about her! I enjoy feeling horny, and immensely enjoy giving her pleasure. It leaves me feeling on a high for hours afterwards. So our relationship is growing and it’s in a direction I am very happy to see. I love my Queen passionately and serving her is just the icing on the cake.
Now the shrinkage portion of the title… Logically, I can’t see cage wearing actually causing a man’s penis to shrink in size. However, I believe that I’ve shrunk a bit. My erections seem a little smaller than they used to be… I don’t have a ruler handy when I am uncaged, and I’m not uncaged often, so this is a subjective observation. And even if it were true, I wouldn’t change a thing. But it is my thinking… Of course I’ve been wrong before and will be again! lol